This code is for a simple RGB LED controller for 1 LED using a PIC16F628 that has PWM control for the LED. It is controlled by sending 2 bytes to the PIC’s internal USART for the intensities of the red, green, and blue color channels. The operation is very simple and so is the wiring. The PIC loops and turns on the respective colors if they are less than or equal to theCount. Because of persistence of vision, the eye sees the LEDs as all being on at the same time. The 4-bit code below has 15 linear values of PWM. The 8-bit code has 255 linear values of PWM. The 4-bit exponential PWM code has 15 values fit to an exponential curve. This allows for more “even” color levels because the human eye does not readily perceive linear changes in light intensity. For LED applications, the 4-bit exponential code is recommended.
The microcontroller code can be downloaded here:
– 4-bit PWM: u1RGBpwm.jal (hex)
– 8-bit PWM: u1RGBpwm8bit.jal (hex)
– 4-bit exponential PWM: u1RGBpwmE (hex)
Sample VB code and test application: