JAL Libraries

Here are some of the libraries I have written for JAL:

675rs232_sw.jal 675rs232_sw
Software serial library for the PIC12F629/675 used in the PIC12F675 Oscilloscope.
jpic628a.jal jpic628a
JPIC library for PIC16F628 microchips with serial routines and much more processor-specific code that allows one to take full advantage of the 628’s abilities.
nibsBPs.jal nibsBPs
Simple library to convert bytes to nibbles (high and low) and bit-pairs.
shiftIn.jal shiftIn
Simple library to shift data out using a clock and a data pin. Can provide the clock or use an external clock.
shiftOut.jal shiftOut
Simple library to shift data in using a clock and a data pin. Can provide the clock or use an external clock.